Our Services

In our busy and ever changing world, it is sometimes difficult to care for ourselves the way we would wish to. Our mission at Willow Holistic Health is to listen, and be a witness to the complexities of our clients’ challenges, and offer suggestions that can create a path to restoring equilibrium. We explore the 5 pillars of health: Nutrition, Sleep, Spiritual Life, Movement and Stress. We understand that while western medicine sees a human being as a set of disparate systems, in reality everything in a human body is constantly in relation to everything else. We work together to find treatments that fit an individuals unique challenges in life, whether one is a busy parent, a woman in mid-life seeking ways to optimize hormones as she transitions out of childbearing, or someone with issues related to chronic stress or other life events.

We provide resources and care that increase energy and vitality while working together to restore balance by addressing nutrition, movement, stress reduction, and other therapies such as IV nutrient infusions and supplements.

We offer holistic prenatal and postpartum care to women who are seeking to optimize their and their unborn baby’s wellbeing by spending time exploring avenues of self care. Movement, food and diet, supplements, environment, sleep and stress are all areas that can be mitigated through the creation of an intentional plan. Most hospital based providers do not have the time to take a ‘deep dive’ into aspects of health that can lead to improved pregnancy, birth and postpartum outcomes and experiences for our Moms, babies and families.

If interested give our clinic a CALL at 503-678-6269. Or drop an EMAIL to: willowholistichealth@gmail.com: You can also send a HIPPA compliant TEXT MESSAGE to our main number: 503-678-6269

  • IV Nutrient Therapy

    So are pleased to be offering IV Nutrient Therapy. It is so much more than 'IV Vitamins'. Constituents such as Glutathione, NAD, NAC and amino acids have been shown to be helpful for depression/anxiety, chronic fatigue, addiction/alcoholism issues, chronic pain, post-viral and immune syndromes.

  • Holistic Health

    We offer primary and specialty care for men and women seeking treatment for chronic medical conditions such as insulin resistance, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, depression/anxiety, chronic pain, weight loss, annual wellness exams. We see children from 10 years old for acute or chronic health issues as well as for holistic well child checks. As a CNM Susie continues to offer holistic prenatal and postpartum care for women who are planning a hospital delivery but who are interested in guidance for optimizing wellbeing during and after pregnancy.

  • Functional Wellness

  • Weight Loss